Blog 7 (March 30th 2024)

AKA : "Monthly" Update

So, hi everyone! Sorry for not doing any updates for almost all of the month, but that just means, bigger news! Or well, smaller, but more news! So let's get started on that, shall we?

So first off, we have An update on the move to!...

...It's not happening. Yes, I know, disappointing, but, there's a reason why!... I use VSCode. Yes, that's the only reason. Well that, and how folders like the blog one don't seem to work normally in, they just... break .w.

So yeah, kinda sad, but what are we gonna do about it? Cry?... I'd be wrong if I said I cried, because I didn't.

Well, after that, what else is there to say?... Oh yeah! I've been thinking about improving the site a bit, maybe making it a bit more... Splatoon-like, or maybe more Minecraft? I don't really know, but it's not really that important right now, since I just want the site to keep the old net vibe.

Now, after this, here's a Big spoiler warning

SPOILER WARNING (Splatoon 3: Side Order)

Yeah, I'm gonna talk about more Side Order. Why? Because... Why not?

Anyway, Side Order has been so cool lately, well, it was more cool when it launched and it was new, but I still play it time to time. Mostly to do broken charger builds where 100% of my pallete is Marie's. It's funny tbh

I also love the new feature they added (mostly because of a bug) where you can replay the scene of you entering Inkopolis Square for the first time. It made my cry a LOT after my first successful run, and now it's just pure nostalgia.


We also had last weekend the Drums vs Guitar vs Keyboard Splatfest! Which is the first in many things! Including :

- Allowing you to adjust Splatfest Tees (the adjusted longer version sucks imo but anyone can do whatever they want)

- Introduce Fizzbangs, which are small "bombs" that can be thrown like Clams, which you obtain after respawning, or after killing someone. I'd say more about them but you have Inkipedia for those things

- have Off The Hook performing (in Inkopolis Square), along with their new songs : "We're So Back" (Which was released instead of Color Pulse by Nintendo NA, which was funny since it staid up for HORUS before being taken down and corrected), and "Suffer No Fools", the new battle theme available for everyone.

- Feature the new scoring system (Now 2nd place actually gets points)

So, yeah. Now the only flaw is the players lmao (not in a bad way)

Well, now with Splatoon aside, yes, I am way better than in Blog 6 by a LOT. I mean, I only took like, 2 weeks to fully recover. Aside from that, I really haven't been sick either.

Well, that's mostly all from my side! But before leaving, I just wanna tell you about someone very special to me!

Clancy Hyperfixation corner (skip if not interested on gay)

So you guys know Clancy, right? My bf of 3 years, my would be husband if there wasn't you know, AN OCEAN BETWEEN US

Yeah so he's like, the best person ever??? He listens to me, cares for me, I just love him so much I kind of feel bad I can't give as much as he gives me, like, for example, last Christmas, he wanted to buy me a gift so bad despite me being like "Nooo I don't want one" or "I can't get you anything in returnnn qwq", guess what he got me.


I am honestly not exagerating how surprised I was, and honestly, since then I wanted to make it up to him, buttt...

- I couldn't gift him anything in Valentines Day

- His birthday is around late July.

- I cannot literally work at all, I can get a job, but no one would hire me, got no experience.

So yeah! Kinda... bad. I am gonna try my best to get him the best gift ever, but I'm not 100% sure if I'll be able to. I hope so, but it's kinda hard, you know.

Anyway, about him, well, I love him a lot, like, somehow the love I've had for him for 3 years hasn't vanished, and I'd say it has only increased more over the years??? Also our anniversary is on Dec. 31st if you were wondering

Now, for the last question "Why don't you get married???" Well... As I stated before, we live quite far away, and, not only that, I need my parents to consent to it, which I know they would, but it's still kinda scary going like "Can I marry Clancy?" (And yes, they know everything about him, specially my mom, I rant to her about him so much, she's somehow not tired of him tho, kinda amazing)

So yeah, now, that's all I gotta say about him today, but before that, go check his Twitter! He's somehow more active there than in Bluesky,weird, but still, I kinda understand.

Now for real, that's all from me, see you next time!

- Fery