Blog 2 (Feb 16th 2024)

AKA: Carnival at my school!

Hi everyone! Fery back with a 2nd day blog!

So basically, carnival arrived at my school (and I forgot, of course) and I'm here to talk about all the things that are gonna happen! :3

First off, well... Costumes! There's a costume contest, like all years, and even one of my classmates decided to dress up! I don't know if he'd win tho, the contest theme was "Music" :/

Aside from that, my headteacher is gonna participate in a dodgeball contest against other teachers! I'm exited for seeing that. There's also gonna be some sort of theatre stuff that all tech department teachers are gonna participate in, I am really excited for that as well.

Now, aside from that, in other news :

I'll most likely be the one to gay the new mob, the Breeze in Pridepack! (And yes, that includes wind charges)

That does mean however, I have to wait until Mine-imator updates to 1.21, which will happen way after Minecraft updates to 1.21, like, a long time. And yes, Mine-imator is a requirement, I only work with it to preview models

Like really, look at these dev screenshots for the Pride-xolotls!

It's all in Mine-imator! Nothing else (aside from Paint Tool SAI 2 for sprite editing)

So yeah, there's the blog for today! See you guys next time!

- Fery