Blog 11 (May 12th 2024)

AKA: Editing videos suck

Hi everyone! So I'm back here writing again, this time from home! Yes, I know, that's quite rare from me, seeing how I just usually write when I'm at school. And I get it, but I have to get used to writing at home sooner than later, after all, school ends in like, 5 or 6 weeks.

So now, with why I'm writing this blog... I'm editing a video for a class project, and it fucking fucking sucks a lot, like, I've been trying to edit it for the entire day, and I barely managed to make the intro part, where there's a shape, and like 5 text things (I use premiere btw)

Thing is, I'm not motivated to do it unlike other times, and It's probably due to how the audio for it had to have both team members' voices, which meant that I have to deal with my team member's voice and pronunciation which is... not good.

Worst thing is that it's on our native language! There's no "oh they're bad at the language" because it's our language. So it just fucking sucks. Worst thing is that I had to also spend yesterday just editing the audio in audacity, which makes it even worse.

I understand she sent the raw recording but... Why not do it until she gets it right??? Sob, It's just tiring me so much.

So for now, this is all I've got to talk about, but I'll update the status more and more as I keep progressing, so here's the timeline! :

11:33 AM (GMT+1) -> Finished the intro, to work on the extra stuff

12:15 PM (GMT+1) -> Finish the first part, started second part.

5:30ish PM (GMT+1) -> Finish the entire video, send to partner, and upload to YouTube to send to Classroom

Yes, this is a late update because writing html at my home sucks (No < or > so... yeah) and well, it's done! I finished it, I hate it, and I wanna fucking die.

Well, thanks for reading!

That's it for now! See you all later!

- Fery