Welcome to Fery's site!

What is this?

This is my webpage hosted on GitHub!

I did this mostly so I can blog stuff and have a little place to write stuff outside of social media.


Well, I just thought it'd be fun to make webpages! It's just html though. Although, It's fun!

How many things are in here?

Well, there's this "Home page", and there's also :

My "Who" page

Where you can see more info about me, maybe even "blog" (if you can call it that) entries!

My Projects page

Where I link most, if not all projects I've worked on! (Note : It's really underwhelming)

My "Where" page!

Where I link my other socials, like GitHub, Bluesky, etc...

Remember to check the Navbar at the top for more things! It gets updated more than this homepage